Easter Weekend 2024
Hey Church Family,
Pastor Kensen Lam (Park’s Near South Region Lead Pastor), sent this quote out yesterday and it reminded me that yes we will celebrate Christ’s Resurrection this Sunday, but if we are to truly grasp the joy and hope of all that we have gained through Christ’s triumph over sin and death we first need to remind ourselves of the brokenness and sorrow of this world.
This is a quote from Tim Keller, a pastor and author, who recently passed away due to cancer.
“Holy Week gives you both death and resurrection. They don’t make any sense apart. You can’t have the joy of resurrection unless you’ve gone through a death, and death without resurrection is just hopeless. Essentially, the death/resurrection motif or pattern is absolutely at the heart of what it means to live a Christian life. And actually everything in life is like that. With any kind of suffering, if I respond to it by looking to God in faith, suffering drives me like a nail deeper into God’s love, which is what cancer has done for me. I do think that the great thing about cancer is that Easter does mean a whole lot more now, because I look at Easter and I say “Because of this, I can face anything.” In the past, I thought of Easter as a kind of optimistic, upbeat way of thinking about life. And now I see that Easter is a universal solvent. It can eat through any fear, any anger and despair. I see it as more powerful than ever before." Tim Keller, quoted in NY Time Opinion, April 10th, 2022 by Tish Harrison Warren.
My hope is this Easter Weekend that our Good Friday Service (6:30pm at Sullivan High School) will be an opportunity for us to reflect on all the ways sin has reeked death and destruction on our lives and world, epitomized in the crucification of Christ - before we return on Easter Sunday (10:00am at Sullivan High School) to celebrate, that when Christ rose from the dead he rose in victory, so that we too will one day rise forgiven, victorious, healed and forever secure! We truly have good news to share!
See you this weekend RP!! After-service on Sunday we will have our Easter Potluck complete with a Jazz Band, Photo Booth and Latte Station - please bring a dish to share!
Yours in Christ,


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Ministry Calendar
Children's Ministry Update
Gospel Project Unit 27 Description: The darkest day the world has ever seen became the brightest day one glorious Sunday morning. After Jesus was unjustly convicted of a crime, He was crucified and His body was placed in a tomb. But on the third day, Jesus rose from the dead, defeating sin and death and rising again as the conquering King.
Big Picture Question: How is Jesus the perfect King? Jesus perfectly rules over everything.
Memory Verse: Revelation 5:13
SESSION 1 (3/10): Jesus Was Put on Trial. Matthew 26–27; Mark 14–15; Luke 22–23; John 18
SESSION 2 (3/17): Jesus Was Crucified. Matthew 27; Mark 15; Luke 23–24; John 19–20
3/24 Palm Sunday All-family Service - No children's ministry
SESSION 3 (3/31): Jesus Was Raised. Matthew 27–28; Mark 15–16; Luke 23–24; John 19–20. Elementary kids remain in the service.
SESSION 4 (4/7): Jesus Is Our Perfect King. Colossians 1.
If you have recently joined our church or have a new child please register them here.
Big Picture Question: How is Jesus the perfect King? Jesus perfectly rules over everything.
Memory Verse: Revelation 5:13
SESSION 1 (3/10): Jesus Was Put on Trial. Matthew 26–27; Mark 14–15; Luke 22–23; John 18
SESSION 2 (3/17): Jesus Was Crucified. Matthew 27; Mark 15; Luke 23–24; John 19–20
3/24 Palm Sunday All-family Service - No children's ministry
SESSION 3 (3/31): Jesus Was Raised. Matthew 27–28; Mark 15–16; Luke 23–24; John 19–20. Elementary kids remain in the service.
SESSION 4 (4/7): Jesus Is Our Perfect King. Colossians 1.
If you have recently joined our church or have a new child please register them here.

Maddy Hutchens

Pre-Service Prayer
Join us every Sunday 9:00am in the Nursery to lift up our worship service and the happenings of Park Rogers Park up to the Lord.